Travel Tip #1: Do it Yourself

Karen and I have learned nearly all of our international travel lessons the hard way! But you know, they seem to stick when they’re learned that way...we’ve seldom make the same mistake twice.

First, do as much of your own travel planning as possible. You can stop reading here if you like being lead around by a tour guide with a flag, getting off and on a bus all day, waiting for the slow ones in your tour group to catch up, etc. I don’t mean to sound critical, it’s just not the way we travel (and probably why we learned some lessons the hard way). But I understand that some folks simply aren’t cut out to be a DIY’er.

If you’re interested, or if you’ve already done some travel planning yourself, then you probably know that everything that you need to do your own international travel planning is on the internet, plus maybe a couple of good country-specific travel guides from your local public library. We like the latest editions of Rick Steves’ books, for example.

Here are just a few of the benefits I think you’ll gain in this do-it-yourself process:

  1. You will learn an immense amount about the country or countries you plan to visit, the best time to visit from a weather standpoint, and the proximity of do-not-miss attractions relative to where you’ll be staying.

  2. You can evaluate and judge for yourself what accommodations are available, verses relying on someone else’s opinion. If you’re so inclined, read reviews from travelers just like yourself, and decide on your own if the hotel, inn, or B&B is 4-star or 5-star.

  3. You’ll discover special events that you might never hear about from a travel agent or tour Andrea Bocelli or Sting concert in Italy?...a sailing regatta in the Mediterranean?...the famous Paleo in Siena? or other food festivals, truffle hunting or cooking lessons at the B&B you’re considering?....and more!

I should also mention that Karen and I are “active travelers.” (Note that I have yet to use the word “vacation” in this narrative). We seldom stay in one place for a week, and we certainly don’t go somewhere just to lay on the beach or around the pool with a book. If that’s your preference, then your trip planning will be easy!

Feel free to contact me with questions, and happy travel planning!